Welcome to Growth Gizmo

Our purpose is to help both you and your business grow so we are packing this site with useful content including videos, articles, interviews, and tools. Stay tuned, we are just getting started. 

Coming Soon- Free video course "How to Be The Only Solution to Your Customer's Problem"


Clearly separate your business, break through the noise affordably, and build a complete marketing system to drive growth.


Gain perspective, eliminate obstacles, better manage yourself and not only grow your business but your quality of life.


From sales skills to problem solving to team-building our customized trainings use accelerated learning techniques to unlock the power of your team.  

The Supply & Demand of Attention

Gain a significant marketing edge by understanding the market for attention

If attention were a commodity listed at the Chicago Board of Trade, it likely would’ve been one of the best investments over the last 35 years.

Attention is not often thought of as a tangible commodity but we can gain insight by exploring it as a precious resource. Technology and its effect on information has radically altered the supply and demand of attention. The result is an attention deficit pulling on the very fabric of our society, our human nature, and our way of life. – more on this in future blogs- here let’s discuss the big picture, why there are actually two markets for attention and how you can turn this insight into a major opportunity for your business.

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